姓名: 杨超






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[1] Chao Yang, Teaching Advanced Mathematics with the New Technological Achievements of China. 11(1) (2021), 68-72. 杨超. 高等数学课程中结合我国科技新成就的教学设计研究[J]. 教育进展. 11(1)(2021), 68-72.

[2] Chao Yang, On the Upper Bound of Modular Chromatic Number of Graphs. Advances in Applied Mathematics. 9(8) (2020), 1309-1312. 杨超,关于图的模染色数的上界[J]. 应用数学进展. 9(8) (2020), 1309-1312.

[3] Yuedan Yao, Muhuo Liu, Francesco Belardo and Chao Yang, Unified extremal results of topological indices and spectral invariants of graphs.  Discrete Applied Mathematics. 271 (2019),  218-232.

[4] Ziwen Liu, Chao Yang(通讯作者), Hanano Puzzle is NP-hard. Information Processing Letters. 145 (2019), 6-10.

[5] Weihua He, Jun Luo, Chao Yang(通讯作者) and Wei Yuan, Ricci-flat graphs with girth four. arXiv preprint available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.07253

[6] Weihua He, Ziwen-Liu and Chao Yang(通讯作者), Snowman is PSPACE-complete. Theoretical Computer Science. 677 (2017), 31-40.

[7] 刘孜文,杨超(通讯作者),非确定性限制逻辑及其在计算复杂度中的应用[J]. 计算机科学与应用. 2017, 7(5), 407-413.

[8] Chao Yang and Jun-Ming Xu, Connectivity of lexicographic product and direct product of graphs, Ars Combinatoria. 111 (2013), 3-12.

[9] Chao Yang , Sliding puzzles and rotating puzzles on graphs , Discrete Mathematics. 311(2011), 1290–1294 .

[10] Jun-Ming Xu and Chao Yang , Connectivity and super-connectivity of Cartesian product graphs, Ars Combinatoria. 95 (2010), 235-245.

[11] He-Xi Ye, Chao Yang and Jun-Ming Xu, Diameter vulnerability of graphs by edge deletion. Discrete Math., 309 (2009), 1001-1006.

[12] Jun Yan, Jun-Ming Xu and Chao Yang, Forwarding index of cube-connected cycles. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(1) (2009), 1-7.

[13] Chao Yang and Jun-Ming Xu, Reliability of interconnection networks modeled by Cartesian product digraphs. Networks, 52(4) (2008), 202-205.

[14] Chao Yang and Jun-Ming Xu, Connectivity and Edge-connectivity of Strong Product Graphs, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 38(5) (2008), 449-455.

[15] Wei Kong, Yong-Liang Pan and Chao Yang, Cover pebbling number of some product graphs, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 38(9) (2008), 1030-1035.

[16] Jun-Ming Xu and Chao Yang, Fault Diameter of Product Graphs, Info. Process. Lett. 102(2007), 226-228.

[17] Jun-Ming Xu, Ye-Zhou Wu, Jia Huang and Chao Yang, Feedback Number of Kautz Digraph, Discrete Math. 307(2007), 1589-1599.

[18] Xiang-Feng Pan, Jun-Ming Xu, Chao Yang and Min-Jie Zhou, Some graphs with minimum Hosoya index and Maximum Merrifield-Simmons index, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry. 57(1)  (2007), 235-242.

[19] Xiang-Feng Pan, Jun-Ming Xu and Chao Yang, On the Randic index of unicyclic graphs with k pendant vertices, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry. 55(2) (2006), 409-417.

[20] Jun-Ming Xu and Chao Yang, Connectivity of Cartesian product graphs, Discrete Math. 306(1) (2006), 159-165.




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