姓名: 李俏杰
Acta Metallurgica Sinica, Journal of Applied Mathematics, IEEE Communication Letters, Lecture Note in Computer Science,中国有色金属学报等发表论文8篇,申请发明专利3篇。
[1] Qiaojie Li, Zhoushun Zheng, Xuanhui Qu. Simulation of high velocity compaction of powder in a two dimension mould using lattice Boltzmann method. Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters), 2012, 25(1): 47-54.
[2] Qiaojie Li, Zhoushun Zheng, Shuang Wang, Jiankang Liu. A multi-level finite difference scheme for one-dimensional Burgers equation derived from the lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, ID 925920: 1-13.
[3] Qiaojie Li, Zhoushun Zheng, Shuang Wang, Jiankang Liu. Lattice Boltzmann model for nonlinear heat equations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISNN 2012, 7367: 140 -148.
[4] Qiaojie Li, Zong Ji, Zhoushun Zheng, Hongjuan Liu. Numerical solution of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation using lattice Boltzmann method. Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2(12): 1479-1485.
[5] Eduardo M. Thomas M. Xiang Wang, Qiaojie Li. Modeling Alien-Line Impedance Mismatch in Wideband Vectored Wireline Systems. IEEE Communication Letters, 2014, 18(9): 1527 - 1530.
[6] 李俏杰,郑洲顺,王爽,刘建康. 高速压制成形粉末流动过程的格子Boltzmann方法模拟. 中国有色金属学报,2012, 22(6):1754 - 1762.
[7] 郑洲顺,王爽,李俏杰. 复杂零件粉末注射成形多相流动过程的三维数值模拟. 稀有金属材料与工程,2013, 42(8): 1585 - 1589.
[8] 郑洲顺,曲选辉, 李俏杰. 粉末注射成形两相流动三维数值模拟及粉末与粘结剂的分离,中国有色金属学报,2014, 1(1): 122 – 129.
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