姓名: 陈敏风






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主要研究领域为复分析,在SCIE、CSCD等国内外权威期刊发表学术论文25篇。目前在研校级特色创新项目1项,曾主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,广州市科技计划项目1项,校级青年项目1项,校级科研启动项目1项,先后参与国家级项目以及其它项目多项。现为美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员(MR156823) ,广东省自然科学基金通讯评审,多个SCIE、EI、ESCI、CSCD期刊审稿人。


1、 陈敏风, 梁美丽, 高宗升. 一类非线性微分-差分方程亚纯解的存在性. 中国科学: 数学, 2025, 55: 1-16. doi: 10.1360/SSM-2024-0200 (CSCD)

2、 Minfeng Chen, Zongsheng Gao, Xiaomin Huang. Meromorphic solutions of some non-linear difference equations with three exponential terms. Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society. 2024, 61(3): 745-762. (SCIE)

3、 陈敏风, 陈宗煊. 某类非线性微分方程的亚纯解. 数学学报(中文版), 2023, 66(6): 1205-1220. (CSCD)

4、 Minfeng Chen, Zongsheng Gao and Jilong Zhang. Meromorphic solutions of some types of q-difference differential equation and delay differential equation. ScienceAsia. 2022, 48: 107-114. (SCIE)

5、 Minfeng Chen and Zhibo Huang. Characteristic estimation of differential polynomials. Journal of Inequalities and Applications. (2021) 2021: 181 (SCIE)

6、 陈敏风, 高宗升, 黄志波. 的有限级亚纯解. 数学物理学报(中文版), 2021, 41A(4): 913-920. (CSCD)

7、 Minfeng Chen, Zhibo Huang and Zongsheng Gao. Meromorphic solutions of three certain types of non-linear difference equations. AIMS Mathematics. 2021, 6(11): 11708–11722. (SCIE)

8、 Minfeng Chen and Ning Cui. On zeros and growth of solutions of complex difference equations. Advances in Difference Equations. (2021) 2021:48 (SCIE)

9、 Minfeng Chen and Ning Cui. A note on differential-difference analogue of Brück conjecture. ScienceAsia. 2019, 45: 388-394. (SCIE)

10、 Minfeng Chen, Zongsheng Gao and Jilong Zhang. Value distribution of meromorphic solutions of certain non-linear difference equations. Acta Mathematica Scientia. 2019, 39(B)(4): 1173-1184. (SCIE)

11、 Minfeng Chen, Zongsheng Gao and Jilong Zhang. Brück conjecture with hyper-order less than one and linear differential polynomials. Results in Mathematics. 2018, 73(4): 1-13. (SCIE) 

所发表论文被国内外学者在Rocky. Mt. J. MathJ. Math. Anal. Appl”、“Comput. Methods Funct. Theory”、“Acta. Math. Sci”、“Houston. J. Math”、“Mediterr. J. Math”、“Bull. Korean Math. Soc”、“Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc”、“AIMS Math”、“J. Contemp. Math. Anal”、“Turk. J. Math”、“Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ.”、“ScienceAsia”、“Open. Math”、“Adv. Differ. Equ”、“J. Nonlinear. Math. Phy”、“J. Funct. Spaces”、“J. Math”、“Mathematics”、“Electron. J. Differ. EqSCIE期刊他引33次。(20253月数据)





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